Here we go with another Minima Puzzle. Minima 5 has 4 pieces to pack into the box that make up the full 12 voxel spaces. The box has a main entryway, 2 additional entryways, and 4 windows that will need to be utilized for rotations. A unique aspect to this puzzle that we haven’t seen in the previous 4 is that two of these widows are too small for pieces to rotate in them. So what are they for?

There is one large piece that can only fit into the box one way. Once placed, this leaves a spot open for the final piece, so to solve this one, you really only have to figure out the first 2 pieces. Sound easy? It’s not.
The actual arrangement of the pieces is easy to figure out as well. But getting those pieces into the correct place in the correct orientation is what makes this difficult.
This one is a step up from Minima 1-4. A Couple of new features are introduced.
Slight Spoiler Below
First, we have a puzzle where 2 different pieces require rotations instead of just one. Second, there are mystery windows that are too small for pieces to fit into, so what purpose do those serve? Third, Spoiler Alert, a rotation must be made after pieces have been inserted. In all previous puzzles, rotations were complete before a new piece is added. In this one, a rotation occurs after a piece is inserted and manipulated.

The difficulty is on par with Minima 4, but some may see it as more tricky because there is a dexterity component to this one.